Hardtop Smart Pack
Hardtop Smart Pack 是一种改性丙烯酸面漆,可形成光泽饰面,且混合比为 1:1,施工时简单轻松。
- 可形成光滑饰面
- 1:1 简单混合比
- 适合刷子和辊筒施工
Hardtop XP II is an exceptionally versatile and efficient topcoat that provides a solution for countless scenarios, where durability and performance are key priorities. Built on a more than 15-year track record of protecting millions of square meters with a proven durable finish every year, Hardtop XP II delivers increased application efficiency, enhanced steel protection and lasting aesthetics. This is a two-component polyurethane topcoat with lasting colour and gloss. The product is recommended as a topcoat for protection in atmospheric environments.
Hardtop Smart Pack 是一种改性丙烯酸面漆,可形成光泽饰面,且混合比为 1:1,施工时简单轻松。
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