Lady Design Romano

Classic Roman finish: Romano’s classic roman stone finish surrounds you with the authenticity of bygone ages, and when complemented with beautiful handpicked colours from our Fenomastic My Home Rich Matt, will transport you to another place and time.
Romano has another dimension of versatility, with concrete and brick applications that give you more styling options. Lady Design Romano comes in 40 natural colours that serve as the perfect substitute for stone and cement. It can be used to create a beautiful two-tone effect when it is used together with handpicked paints such as the Fenomastic My Home Rich Matt.
This product adds a touch of classical natural stone appeal to interiors. It is ideal for use in large residential and commercial rooms that convey majesty and dominance.
- Available in 40 natural colours
- An alternative to using stone or cement
建筑-室内用 面漆 / 面涂 Interior decorative topcoats Interior decorative topcoats
水泥灰泥 混凝土 预制砌块 石膏板 中密度纤维板 胶合板 表面呈现

Hardtop Eco
一种聚氨酯面漆,可形成精美持久的饰面,并且有助于提高 LEED(领先能源与环境设计)和 BREEAM(英国建筑研究院环境评估方法)分数。
- 耐久外观
- 出色的保色性和保光性
- 有助于提高绿色建筑标准分数
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