Majestic True Beauty Sheen
Blending modern sophistication and easy-clean convenience, Majestic True Beauty Sheen delivers a beautiful and smooth finish that creates an elegant ambiance. Jotun’s exclusive TrueColour Technology ensures precise and uniform colours and ensures your wall will leave a lasting impression.
For more detailed product and colour information, please visit Majestic True Beauty Sheen
- True colour experience
- Superior easy clean
- Luxurious smooth finish
建筑-室内用 面漆 / 面涂 Interior decorative topcoats Interior decorative topcoats
砖石表面 软板表面
Complies to Singapore Green Label, Malaysia SIRIM Eco-Label.
This product contributes to Green Building Standard credits by meeting the following specific requirements:
LEED®v4 (2013)
EQ credit: Low emitting materials
- VOC content for Nonflat Coatings (100 g/l) (CARB(CSM)2007) and emission between 0.5 and 5.0 mg/m³
(CDPH method 1.2).
MR credit: Building product disclosure and optimization
-Material Ingredients, Option 2: Material Ingredient Optimization, International Alternative Compliance Path -
REACH optimization: Fully inventoried chemical ingredients to 100 ppm and not containing substances on the REACH Authorization list – Annex XIV, the Restriction list – Annex XVII and the SVHC candidate list.
-Environmental Product Declarations. Product-specific Type III EPD (ISO 14025;21930, EN 15804).
BREEAM® International (2016)
- Mat 01: Product-specific Type III EPD (ISO 14025;21930, EN 15804).
BREEAM® International (2013)
Hea 02: VOC content for Interior matt walls and ceilings (Gloss <25 at 60°) (30 g/l) (EU Directive 2004/42/CE).
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