Jotatemp 250
Jotatemp 250是一款适用于-196ºC至250ºC温度范围的玻璃鳞片增强型酚醛环氧耐高温涂料。
- 耐受温度为 -196°C 至 250°C 的耐热涂料
- 优于市面上同类产品的出众耐高温性能
- 即使在使用高温蒸汽清扫的过程中,也能保证安全
Solvalitt 600 is a high solid, single component, physically drying silicone acrylic coating. It is heat resistant up to 600 °C and is suitable for properly prepared carbon steel, galvanised steel, stainless steel and aluminium substrates. Solvalitt 600 comes in a range of colours and is ideally suited as a top coat in atmospheric environments. This product is an excellent choice for the shipping, oil and gas, and mining industries.
Jotatemp 250是一款适用于-196ºC至250ºC温度范围的玻璃鳞片增强型酚醛环氧耐高温涂料。
Jotatemp 1000 HT是一款适用于-196ºC至1000ºC温度范围的耐高温涂料。
A heat-resistant phenolic/novolac epoxy coating for temperatures from -196 to 210 °C.
Solvalitt Midtherm Alu是一款拥有铝色外观的耐高温涂料,可在高达260ºC的温度下提供美观耐久的漆膜外观。
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