Preparing employees for the future

Jotun employees’ ability to learn and expand their competencies is crucial for talent retention, success in their current roles and qualification for future roles. Therefore, It’s vital for us to ensure that employees have ample opportunities for career development. 
Women attending an internal conference in Jotun

How we do it

We offer competence development initiatives through several sources. Our goal is to ensure that Jotun’s competence development initiatives have the same, high standard all over the world.

Through our digital learning platforms, we support employees all around the world, on their computers, phones, and tablets. In recent years we have seen an incredible development in creating and distributing training across the Jotun world, and new digital tools have helped us increase our reach even further. Our training portfolio is now much more flexible and agile.

We support the business with their competence development projects and initiatives, to ensure learning is mobilised in the organisation. In addition, we offer workshops related to team alignment, business planning, cultural awareness, diversity & inclusion and other subjects.

Jotun Academy is the hub of all corporate training initiatives worldwide, a strong Jotun tradition which has been developed over many years. This is an important development and networking arena for our employees, and we ensure that the diversity of our employees is represented in our training.

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Four people sitting at a table laughing

Diversity in action

Jotun recognises the importance of having a diverse and inclusive workforce. By building a culture of belonging and creating a welcoming workplace, Jotun can foster innovation and encourage collaboration.

Two scientists working at the R&D centre in Norway

Investing in a multicultural workforce

Hiring people from all over the world can yield positive results in more ways than one. Saying yes to diversity means “we often arrive at better solutions, faster” says the R&D Director.

Regional Jotun Colour Marketing Manager Rana Khadra teaching a Jotun Colour academy class

Getting out of your comfort zone

As colour and paint have a major impact on our surroundings, investing in getting to know the science behind it can enable us to make better choices. Because in the 21st century, we never stop learning.