What are your tank lining options?

It is important when selecting a lining that you choose one that has the correct chemical resistance to be used with the stored contents of your tank, providing the required protection to ensure the quality of your product is maintained.

At Jotun, our tank linings can be broadly split into three generic types of chemistry; epoxies, vinyl esters and zinc silicates.

1. Epoxies

Epoxy linings, such as Tankguard SF, Tankguard Plus and Tankguard Storage, offer the widest chemical resistance and best temperature resistance of the three types.

Depending on the specific product and epoxy chemistry, these linings are able to protect from pH 3 to pH 14. Epoxy coatings are typically used in tanks storing biofuels, petroleum products, water, alkaline solutions or vegetable and mineral oils.

Epoxies also offer you the flexibility to change the product stored in your tank as it is less porous than other coatings. This makes it easier to clean, allowing you to change the contents with a lower risk of cross contamination.

Solvent-free epoxy linings can be applied using a wet-on-wet application, this means two applicators can be working at the same time, applying one layer on top of the other without having to wait for it to dry. Meaning the lining can be applied up to 50% faster, ensuring tanks can be returned back to service faster.

2. Vinyl esters

Vinyl ester linings, for example Chemflake Special, are typically used to store acids, such as hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, biofuels or aggressive chemicals and can be used to protect against pH 0 to pH 9.

Vinyl esters also cure very fast and allow you to get your tanks back into service quicker after application.

3. Zinc silicates

Zinc silicate linings, such as Tankguard Zinc, provide excellent protection for alcohols, solvents and potable water. Zinc silicate linings can withstand almost all chemicals between pH5.5 and pH10.

Since zinc silicate tank linings are applied in a single coat, they can provide time savings of up to 60% compared to an epoxy tank lining.

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