Why should you line your tank?

With the many demands of running a processing facility, taking time to consider coating inside your tanks might not seem like something that should be a priority. However, if it is not considered, the impact to the profitability of the facility can be significant – with your end product compromised, potentially reducing production capacity, and in extreme cases potentially even shutting down a facility.

Here are two of the main reasons to line your tank:

1. Product protection

In any kind of processing facility, it is critical that the quality of the chemical stored in your tanks is not compromised – whether that is your raw materials or your final product. If either is contaminated, either by rust or a previously stored chemical, your profits will usually be impacted.

It is therefore important to protect your products with an appropriate lining inside your tanks. This will help ensure they don’t become contaminated with particles from the tanks themselves or their previous contents.

2. Maintain facility efficiency

In extreme cases, tanks can fail if they are not protected from the chemicals inside. This can happen if there is no lining, if the wrong lining has been selected or if the lining has not been applied properly.

In the worst-case scenario, an unplanned shutdown is required to do maintenance on the affected tank before production can resume.

In any shutdown, time is at a premium with costs potentially running up to $12 million for every day that it is not operational – so every minute counts.

Therefore, choosing a coating that can protect both your tank – ensuring it remains safe and operational for as long as possible – and its contents, is vital.

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