Jotatherm TB550

Jotatherm TB550 is a two component, solvent free syntactic epoxy thermal barrier that provides heat reduction, protection against cryogenic spill, and long-term corrosion protection. It can be used in a duplex system with Jotachar Hydrocarbon Epoxy Intumescent Coatings, where heat reduction or cryogenic spill solutions are required.
Key features
- Duplex system options with Jotachar Hydrocarbon Epoxy Intumescent Coatings
- Low thermal conductivity
- Long-term durability
- Lower life-cycle cost
- Easy hand and spray application
- Lightweight
Technical details
Product Categories
Insulating coatings
Coated surfaces
Certificates and Approvals
ISO 20088-1 Cryogenic Spillage Resistance
Pre-qualified in accordance with NORSOK M-501 in selected systems.
ISO 20340 Cyclic Durability Testing
ASTM C177 - Thermal Conductivity
ASTM E228 - Thermal Expansion
ASTM E1269 - Specific Heat Capacity
Independently fire tested in combination with Jotachar to:
- ISO 834-3/BS476 Hydrocarbon Pool Fire Test for structures
- ISO 22899 Jet Fire Resistance
For more detailed and specific information about the standards, certificates and other documentation please see TDS or contact your local Jotun representative
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